Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Problems of gaming for a long time

Excess playing time                                                                                    Games Design 

Sometimes video games can become very addictive sometimes to addictive.There have been many reports of people all over the world playing games so long that they have resulted in they becoming ill and some even dying.This has happened but only to people who have played over 30 hours of games in one big marathon.This is very extreme and not many people will play games for this long periods of time but they still have effects on people like sore eyes,sleepiness and mental effects on people of younger and older ages.
Link leads to artical about a 32 year old man dying after play 3 days of games in a cafe:

Social isolation

Social isolation is seen in many people who play video games mostly teenagers 99% of males and 94% of females play video games but now that games are online a lot on people are less socially isolated from other as most now play together.Single player games contribute to more to social isolation than any over type on game now that online games are played more often.
Link to BBC news artical about social isolation:http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/7619372.stm


Games cost money. The End...
Just joking lets get serious for 1 sec games cost a lot on money like some cost over 200 million
all together with marketing cost and development cost that is a lot of money.Butt thats not the only thing games use up they use time as well yours and my time that we could be doing something else with as a planet but many asia we spend a lot of hours on gaming far far over 9000!!!!!!.............hours
playing games.Ok some basically just spend less time playing games and more time on your homework.

Link to page i got information from:

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