10 Questions
So what did you think of the assignments? Their where not enough game making assignments and the timings for all the assignments where really bad.
How would you rate the assignments in terms of difficulty? Most of the assignments where quite easy in sense of the subject but as we had to focus on other assignments as well things became far more difficult.
In the space shooter game, name one thing you learned during its development. I learnt how to make spawers so that enemies would attack in waves and the game would be more varied. I also learnt how to make sure your character only shots one bullet at a time.
In the maze game name one thing you learned during this assignment. Whilst making this game i learnt a lot of new code like an AI that followed you when you entered a certain area.
Right, here’s a slightly off the wall one: did you learn any maths during this experience? These assignments? No not really
Do you think you gained any maths when you did any puzzles for the maze game? no
How do you rate your maths? Give us a scale, are you good? Im Ok about7.3
What GCSE grade have you got etc? C
How hard did you find the maths during these assignments?No
Do you think your opinion’s towards maths has changed? No
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