Monday, 26 October 2015

What is a brief

What is a brief

A brief is a piece of information given by a client to give you some thing to work of on the project you are doing. A brief can contain information on what type of game the client would like the game to be and possibly what art style they would like it as well as how many levels they would like it to be and may contain some idea's. Briefs also give you some space to be creative and come up with your own ideas for the game like character designs and levels. They may also contain a mood board which could have colours and wallpapers on it to give you an idea of the moods of the game.

After you are given a brief you still have to come up with your own ideas as the brief would not have been specific on some things so you may have to chose things like the genre and what the character looks like to do this you may do a lot of different things to come up with ideas like;Brainstorming,when you just write your ideas on a piece of paper and making your own mood board.

After you have created your game you are going to have to take into consideration legal issues  like copy right laws which could get bought up if your game is to much like another persons game which could lead to you losing lots of money. You may also have to take into consider the amount of gore, any possible things in the game that could be seen as racist as this could lead to being sued. You may also have to consider libel which is a a method of examination of your game and will try to find things that could be offensive to a person or people.     

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